Please click the link below to go to our Youtube page. We need to get 50 Subscribers to start streaming worship and classes again.

Learning, Growing, Succeeding

Here in our family no one is perfect. We are continually learning from each other, so that we may grow as a Church and succeed in living the most Christ like life we are capable of.

We are a family in Christ that supports each other through the successes and low points as each of us takes our walk. We each contribute into the Church with the blessings the Lord provides us, working to make the Lord's Church Stronger.

We extend a open invitation to anyone who is looking to join Christ and enjoy salvation, or anyone looking to strengthen their bond with Christ and share a walk with the Lord.

Our Family

Meet the people behind our success

Meet our Elders who watch over our flock so that our church is a true representation of a christian body.

These are the men who oversee the needs of the body and assist the Elders in tending to the flock.

Meet the wonderful people who do what is necessary to keep our doors open and the messages coming.

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